12 Things That Drunk Guys In India Never Say

A drunk guy in India never says - " I am listening, let you speak first, I wont interrupt. " If you have ever heard a fully drunk guy allowing others to speak, you have witnessed a miracle. Because, in reality, the first visible sign of someone getting drunk is when he starts interrupting others : "पहले मेरी बात सुन " A drunk guy in India never says - " Am I speaking too much useless things ? I think I m drunk now " I bet nobody ever said this after getting drunk, rather he would tell you all his shitty stories and rubbish ideas nonstop, and then suddenly say : "भाई , ये मत सोच की पी के बक रहा हूँ " A drunk guy in India never says - "You are just another friend of me, we wont become brothers by boozing together" A drunk guy said this ? ...