How To Prepare Xaj -The Traditional Rice Beer of Assam. Be A Traditional Brewer At Home.

Xaj-pani is the most important alcoholic beverage used in rituals and religious rites of Ahoms in Assam. It's very aromatic, slightly sweet in taste, and a vital refresher after a hard labor. Ever tried it? Its one of the popular and delicate rice beers traditionally prepared in North East India. And you must admit that in the case of traditional beverages, indigenous people of the northeast will never disappoint you. The procedure takes around 7 to 8 days to prepare the best quality xaj. The aroma and uniqueness of xaj pani mainly depend on the preparation of starter cake (Vekur Pitha) and the selection of rice. The starter cake (vekur pitha) : To prepare Bhekur pitha, first of all, the ahoms collect leaves of plants or wild herbs which are to be used in the cake (source of yeast required for fermentation). And among them, The most common and primary to the secret recipe are: 1. leaves of mai...